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The Death of Hypatia Hypatia's death reminds me of the song of Cock-Robin : Who killed Cock-Robin? 'I' said the sparrow, 'with my little bow and arrow, I killed Cock-Robin'. Who saw him die? 'I' said the fly, 'with my little eye, I saw him die'. Who'll dig his grave? 'I' said the owl, 'with my spade and trowel, I'll dig his grave'. Who'll be the parson? 'I' said the rook, 'with my little book, I'll be the parson'. And all the birds of the air, Fell sighing and a sobbin' When they heard the bell toll for poor Cock-Robin. Who will be chief mourner? 'I' said the dove, 'for I mourn my love, I'll be chief mourner'. Who will sing the psalm? 'I' said the thrush, 'as I sit in a bush, I'll sing the psalm'. Who will carry the coffin? 'I' said t

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